Black Iris MTS

The maritime industry thrives on a complex ecosystem fuelled by meticulous planning, efficient execution, and robust risk management. Black Iris Marine Technical Services (BIMTS) stands as your trusted partner in navigating this ever-evolving landscape. We offer a comprehensive suite of marine technical services designed to address a wide range of your needs, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing potential disruptions.

This blog serves as a comprehensive guide to the services offered by BIMTS, empowering you to make informed decisions for your maritime endeavours.

Insurance, Third-Party Surveyors & Loss Adjusters: Your Expert Witness on Land and Sea

BIMTS boasts a team of highly qualified professionals recognized by the Central Bank of the U.A.E. and the Insurance Authority Court. We provide expert witness services encompassing the Motor, Marine, and Energy sectors, offering impartial and comprehensive assessments crucial for successful case resolution.

Hull & Machinery (H&M) Damage Surveys: When navigating the complexities of H&M damage claims, BIMTS stands by your side. Our experienced surveyors act on behalf of both Underwriters and Owners, conducting meticulous damage assessments that ensure fair and accurate settlements.

P&I Clubs Services: Streamlining the Claims Process for a Smoother Voyage

P&I Clubs play a vital role in maritime risk management. BIMTS offers comprehensive claims handling and follow-up services for P&I Clubs, ensuring a streamlined and efficient claims process. Our team works diligently to minimize delays and secure favorable outcomes for all involved parties.

Marine Warranty Surveys (MWS): Guaranteeing Cargo Security from Port to Port

Safe and secure cargo transportation forms the backbone of global trade. BIMTS offers MWS, encompassing a comprehensive range of services:

  • Cargo and Heavy Lift Inspections: Our qualified personnel meticulously inspect cargo and heavy lifts during loading/unloading operations, verifying proper securing measures.
  • Sea Fastening, Stowage, Securing, Lashing, and Transport Assessments: BIMTS ensures cargo is secured for transportation using the most appropriate methods, minimizing the risk of damage during the voyage.

More Than Just Approvals: Towage Approvals & Insurance Certificates

Towage operations play a critical role in port movements. BIMTS provides towage approvals and assists in obtaining the necessary insurance certificates, ensuring compliance and minimizing risks associated with towage activities. Additionally, we offer loose gear inspection and certification services, guaranteeing the safe operation of towing equipment.

Fueling Efficiency: Bunker & Consumables Surveys

BIMTS conducts on-hire/off-hire surveys for vessels, ensuring the accurate quantity and quality of bunkers (marine fuel) and consumables onboard. This minimizes discrepancies and facilitates fair settlements between parties involved.

Ensuring Vessel Readiness: Vessel Condition and Suitability Surveys

Whether conducting on-hire/off-hire inspections or pre-purchase surveys, BIMTS offers comprehensive vessel condition and suitability surveys. These surveys cater to various vessel types, providing a detailed evaluation of the vessel’s condition and suitability for its intended purpose.

Protecting Your Cargo Investment: Cargo Damage Surveys & Claim Management

Cargo damage can be a significant setback in the maritime supply chain. BIMTS offers cargo damage surveys and claim management services for all parties involved. Our experienced team conducts thorough investigations, gathers relevant evidence, and assists in navigating the claims process efficiently.

Safety First: Gas Free Surveys for Secure Operations

Hot work, cold work, and tank entry procedures require stringent safety protocols. BIMTS provides gas-free surveys, issuing certificates that ensure the safe execution of these activities by verifying the absence of hazardous gases in confined spaces.

Beyond the Incident: Loss of Hire Surveys & Root Cause Analysis

BIMTS understands the financial implications of vessel downtime. Our loss of hire surveys go beyond assessing casualty and personal accidents. We conduct in-depth root cause analysis, particularly for machinery damage claims, pinpointing the cause of the incident and providing valuable insights to prevent future occurrences.

Preparing for Scrutiny: Vessel Preparation for Inspection/Audit

Regular inspections and audits are a part of maritime operations. BIMTS assists in preparing your vessel for these assessments, ensuring all necessary documentation and procedures are in place for a smooth and successful inspection.

Unraveling the Cause: Fire Investigation Services

Marine fires can have devastating consequences. BIMTS offers fire investigation services, meticulously examining the scene and analyzing evidence to determine the origin and cause of the fire. This information is crucial for mitigating future risks and expediting insurance claims.

Maintaining Operational Integrity: Jetties & Pontoons Inspection Services

Jetties and pontoons are critical maritime infrastructure. BIMTS offers comprehensive inspection services for these structures, identifying potential issues and ensuring their safe and efficient operation.

Valuing Your Vessel: Vessel Valuation Services

Accurate vessel valuation is crucial for a variety of maritime transactions. BIMTS provides vessel valuation services, determining the fair market value of your vessel based on market


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